Tuesday 29 December 2015

Alauddin Aalam Shah (AH 849-55/ CE 1445-51)

Previous Rulers of Sayyid Dynasty
Alauddin Aalam Shah
(AH 849-55/ CE 1445-51)
After the death of Muhammad Shah, his son, Aalam Shah was placed on the throne of Delhi. He was an inefficient ruler. He realised this and retired to Budayun where he spent rest of his life leaving the affairs of Delhi on the shoulders of his wife's two brothers.  Finally public took the possession of Delhi and invited Malik Bahlol Khan to take control of the situation. On assuming the charge Bahlol wrote to Aalam Shah that "He is doing only for the good of Sultan". Alam Shah replied  "As my father has called you as Son, I don't have any desire for the power and happy with the one pargana of Budayun, leaving the empire for you". Bahlol allowed Alam to rule over an area from Khairabad on the banks of the Ganges up to the Himalayan foothill till his death in AH 883/ CE1476. This was the end of Sayyid Dynasty.
              The coins of Aalam Shah are knon in Gold, Silver, Billon and Copper. They all are extremely rare.

Billon Tanka of Aalam Shah
GG No. D684. Rajgor 1489
 9.55 grams, 16 mm, AH 852
 Obv: عالمشاه سلطان بن محمد شاه بحصرت دهلی
 Rev: الخلیفا امیر المومنین خلد خلافته ۸۵۲

Billon Tanka of Aalam Shah
GG No. D684. Rajgor 1489
 9.25 grams, 15 mm, AH 852
Obv: عالمشاه سلطان بن محمد شاه بحصرت دهلی
Rev: الخلیفا امیر المومنین خلد خلافته ۸۵۱

Copper Falus of Aalam Shah
GG No. D687. Rajgor 1485
4.49 grams, 13 mm, AH 855
Obv: عالمشه سلطان
Rev: دار للملک دهلی ۸۵۵

Monday 28 December 2015

Muhammad Bin Farid (AH 837-49/CE 1434-45)

Previous Rulers of Sayyid Dynasty
Muhammad Shah (Muhammad Bin Farid)
(AH 837-49/CE 1434-45)

After the assassination of Mubarak Shah, Muhammad Shah who was an adopted son of Mubarak Shah ascended to the throne on 9 Rajab AH 837 (19th Febraury 1434) with the acceptance of all. Muhammad bin Farid issued coin in Gold, Silver, Billlon and Copper.

Silver Tanka of Muhammad Bin Farid
GG No.671, Rajgor 1480
11.16 grams, 18 mm, Ah 838
Obv: السلطان ال عظم ابو ال مجاحد محمد شاه بن فرید شاه حصرت شاه السلطان
فی زمن الامام امیر المومنین حلدت حلافیه

80 Ratti Billlon Tanka of Muhammad Bin Farid
GG No.672, Rajgor 1479
 9.42 grams, 16 mm, AH 844
Obv: محمد شاه سلطان فرید شاه خضر شاه حصرت دهلی 
Rev: الخلیفا امیر المومنین خلدت خلافته ۸۴۴

80 Ratti Billlon Tanka of Muhammad Bin Farid
GG No.673, Rajgor 1478
 3.62 grams, 11 mm
Obv: محمد شاه سلطان فرید شاه حصرت دهلی 
Rev: الخلیفا امیر المومنین خلدت خلافته

48 Ratti Copper Falus of Muhammad Bin Farid
GG No.678, Rajgor 1476
4.52 grams, 12 mm
Obv: محمد شاه سلطان 
Rev: دار الملک دهلی ۸۴۴

48 Ratti Copper Falus of Muhammad Bin Farid
GG No.678A

4.63 grams, 14 mm
Obv: محمد شاه سلطان 
Rev: دار الملک دهلی ۸۴۱


40 Ratti Copper Falus of Muhammad Bin Farid
GG No.679

4.53 grams, 12 mm
Obv: محمد شاه سلطان 
Rev: دار الملک دهلی

Muhammad Shah Sayyid's Tomb at Lodhi Garden New Delhi

Next Rulers of Sayyid Dynasty

Sunday 27 December 2015

Mubarak Shah (AH 824-37/CE 1421-34)

Next Rulers of Sayyid Dynasty
Mubarak Shah  
(AH 824-37/CE 1421-34)

Though Khizr Khan already appointed his son, Shahzada Mubarak the command of western areas but it was only 3 days before his death Mubarak Shah was appointed as his heir-apparent which was approved by all amirs and maliks. Formally He sat on throne on 19th Jamadi 824 Hijri (22 May CE1421). Gold Silver and Copper coins are known for this ruler.

Silver Tanka of Mubarak Shah
 GG No. D660, Rajgor's 1469
11.18 grams, 21 mm, AH 835
Obv: فی عهد السلطان الغازی المتوکل علی الرهمن مبارق شاه سلطان
Rev: ۸۳۵ فی زمن الامام امیر ال مومنین حلدت حلافته

Copper Double Falus of Mubarak Shah
GG No. D662, Rajgor's 1466
10.87 grams, 16mm, Hazrat Dehli, AH 835
Obv(in circle):مبارک شاه (around)سلطان ضربت حصرت دهلیRev: ۸۳۵ نایب امیر ال مومنین 

Copper Falus of Mubarak Shah
GG No. D663, Rajgor's 1463
5.45 grams, 15mm, Hazrat Dehli, AH 833
Obv: مبارک شاه سلطان
Rev: (دار الملک دهلی ۳(۸۳

Copper 48 rati Falus of Mubarak Shah (Posthumou)
GG No. D688, Rajgor's 1465

5.45 grams, 15mm, Hazrat Dehli, AH 833
Obv: مبارک شاه سلطان
Rev: (دار الملک دهلی *(۸۳

Next Rulers of Sayyid Dynasty

Sayyid Dynasty, Khizr Khan (AH 817-24/ CE 1414-21)

Sayyid Dynasty

Khizr Khan
(AH 817-24/ CE 1414-21)
Sayyid Dynasty was Established by Khizr Khan who was the son of Malik Sulaiman an adopted son of Malik Nasirul Mulk Mardan Daulat, an eminent amir of Sultan Firoz Shah Tughlaq. Iqta of Multan was inherited by Khizr khan on death of Malik Sulaiman during the reign of Muhammad Bin Firoz. In CE 1395-96 He quarelled with Sarang Khan, briother of SIqbal Khan , who was the governor of Lahore & Dilapur, due to this he lost Governorship of Multan after which he fled to Mewat. After Timur's invasion of India he called Khizr and conferred upon him Dehli sultanat in addition to Dehli & Dipalpur. He continued his struggle but it was not untill CE 1412 (i.e. death of Sultan Mahmud Tughlaq) the  Sayyid Dynasty was established. The dynasty is called Sayyid as it was reported by some contemporaey historian that Khizr Khan was Sayyid(Decendent of Prophet Muhammad saw) though this assertion was made on the basis of insufficient data.

He reigned for seven years which were mostly spent in dealing with the rebellions.  He was a very capable ruler who rose to the throne right from zero only on the basis of his merit. He was just and generous while dealing with his subjects. Ferista writes that "People were happy under his rule and on his death they condoled by wearing black garments."

As Khizr Khan never assumed full independent charge, as a mark of recognition of suzerainity of Mongols, Khutba was read ino Mongol Ruler Shah Rukh with  an innovation by adding Khizr's name to it. No coins were issued by Khizr Khan in his name and popular & prevalent coins ino previous Tughlaq rulers were cointinued on the coins bearing his date.
Silver, billon and copper coins in the name of previous Tughlaq rulers bearing his reign date are known.

Silver Tanka Of Khizr Khan INO Muhammad Bin Firoz
GG No D650, Rajgor's 1406
10.82 gr, Diameter 17 mm, No Mint, Date off but AH 817

 Billon Tanka Of Khizr Khan INO Firoz Shah Tughlaq
GG No. 651
9.20 Grams, 15 mm, Hazrat Dehli mint, AH817

Next Rulers of Sayyid Dynasty