Tuesday 29 December 2015

Alauddin Aalam Shah (AH 849-55/ CE 1445-51)

Previous Rulers of Sayyid Dynasty
Alauddin Aalam Shah
(AH 849-55/ CE 1445-51)
After the death of Muhammad Shah, his son, Aalam Shah was placed on the throne of Delhi. He was an inefficient ruler. He realised this and retired to Budayun where he spent rest of his life leaving the affairs of Delhi on the shoulders of his wife's two brothers.  Finally public took the possession of Delhi and invited Malik Bahlol Khan to take control of the situation. On assuming the charge Bahlol wrote to Aalam Shah that "He is doing only for the good of Sultan". Alam Shah replied  "As my father has called you as Son, I don't have any desire for the power and happy with the one pargana of Budayun, leaving the empire for you". Bahlol allowed Alam to rule over an area from Khairabad on the banks of the Ganges up to the Himalayan foothill till his death in AH 883/ CE1476. This was the end of Sayyid Dynasty.
              The coins of Aalam Shah are knon in Gold, Silver, Billon and Copper. They all are extremely rare.

Billon Tanka of Aalam Shah
GG No. D684. Rajgor 1489
 9.55 grams, 16 mm, AH 852
 Obv: عالمشاه سلطان بن محمد شاه بحصرت دهلی
 Rev: الخلیفا امیر المومنین خلد خلافته ۸۵۲

Billon Tanka of Aalam Shah
GG No. D684. Rajgor 1489
 9.25 grams, 15 mm, AH 852
Obv: عالمشاه سلطان بن محمد شاه بحصرت دهلی
Rev: الخلیفا امیر المومنین خلد خلافته ۸۵۱

Copper Falus of Aalam Shah
GG No. D687. Rajgor 1485
4.49 grams, 13 mm, AH 855
Obv: عالمشه سلطان
Rev: دار للملک دهلی ۸۵۵


  1. Thank you for this lovely blogs. The date on second coin is 851 AH.
