Saturday 2 January 2016

Lodhi Dynasty

Previous Dynasty

Lodhi Dynasty

Bahlol Shah
AH 855-94/ CE 1451-89

After Sultan Aalam Shah's leaving throne and retiring to Budayun it came under the control of Hamid Khan who thought of Inviting either Sharqi Sultan Mahmud or Malwa Sultan Mahmud to come and occupy the throne of Dehli. Malik Bahlol Khan, an Afghan general saw this as an opportunity and after diplomacy and few efforts finally the throne passed to him on 17th Rabi awwal AH 851/19th April CE 1451. This was the establishment of Lodhi dynasty. After occupation of Dehli, Bahlol wrote to Sultan Aalam Shah "Your Majesty's father brought me up and I am acting only as your deputy continuing your name in Khutba." Sultan Aalam replied "As my father used to address you as Son, I see you as elder brother leaving the throne for you and shall live at Budayun." As per Firishta he had two coronations one before and another after his correspondence with Sultan Aalam Shah. Ever since Bahlol gained the throne of Dehli he faced many problems and one of the biggest was conflict with Sharqi Sultan Mahmud Shah and later with his successors Muhammad Shah and Hussain Shah.

Bahlol had a very affable personality, just and generous simple and unostentatious. He got up early in the morning and attended to the business of the state till about noon after which till night prayer (Isha) he used to be in the company of ulema, recite Quran or offer congregational prayer. He personally used to listen to the petition of the people and did not leave it on wazirs or amirs. He enjoyed confidence of large numbers of Rajputs and other Hindu zamindars and entrusted very responsible posts to them. Some of his trusted chiefs were Rai Karan, Rai Pratap, Rai Bir Singh, Rai Trilokchand, and Rai Dhandhu. Author of Tarikh-i Daudi remarks about him: "He was a simple and unostentatious king. He removed darbans from the gate when he took his meals and invite any one who used to come during his meals. He used to sit on the carpet instead of throne." Ferista says "His food was not prepared in his palace nor did he ride a horse from the royal stables. His nobles used to sent him food in rotation."

Bahlol Struck coins only in Billon and copper. He introduced coin named Bahloli which ensured his perpetuated name in numismatic history of Dehli Sultanat which was continued till Mughal Ruler Humayun.

Billon 80 rati Tanka of Bahlol Shah, Hazrat Dehli
GG No. D690, Rajgor 1509
 9 grams, 16 mm, AH 879
Obv: المتؤکل علي الرحمن بهٔلول شاه السلطان بحضرت دهٔلئ 
Rev: فيزمن امير المومنين خلدت خلافت ۸۷۹

Billon 32 rati of Bahlol Shah
GG No. D691, Rajgor 1508
 3.4 grams, 14 mm, No Date
Obv: بهٔلول شاه السلطان بحضرت دهٔلئ 
Rev: الخليفهٔ امير المومنين خلدت خلافت

Double Falus of 80 rati of Bahlol Shah
GG No. D694, Rajgor 1505
9.1 grams, 14 mm, No Date
Obv: بهٔلول شاهئ 
Rev: نايب امير المومنين ۸۸۲

Double Falus of 80 rati of Bahlol Shah
GG No. D696, Rajgor 1503
9.1 grams, 14 mm, No Date
Obv: بهٔلول سلطان 
Rev: دار الملک دهٔلي ۸۵۵

Rulers of Lodhi Dynasty

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